About 2 years ago I saw a brief presentation that mentioned Yahoo! Pipes ( http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/ )as an easy way to create mashups. I proceeded to log on, think "wow this is cool," and seconds later managed to follow that thought with "this really isn't simple." I consider myself "tech savvy," but I am not a coder.
This past spring I attended a technology seminar at which there was a presentation on setting up simple mashups using--yup--Yahoo! Pipes. I just had to attend. What I learned was that I was right, to a point. If you are not "shown the way" in terms of what to do there it can be daunting. Even if you do have the basics down there are some really advanced features there. But after being shown only a couple of things to get started I had created a simple mashup of news and images relating to the Philadelphia Phillies (check it out)before the session was 3/4 over. Yes, I probably missed something because I was multi-tasking.
At any rate, Yahoo! Pipes is a pretty cool mashup application for those of us that really aren't going to learn to hard-code any time soon. That being said, it isn't exactly intuitive. With a little demo, though, it isn't too hard to get started.
Check it out to get a bit of an understanding of what mashups are and can do.
Unsung Hero: My Mother-in-Law
6 days ago
Hey Carl - Thanks for giving a link to an example of a mashup. It's one of those vague, techy terms that one is never quite sure she has grasped! It was good to be able to actually see something that would be considered to be a 'mashup'. Plus, I was a big Phillies fan as a kid!
Yeah, it can be daunting when people are throwing terms around and you feel like everyone but you is "in on it." Glad that you found this useful!
And, I was 100% ambivalent towards baseball about 1 yr. ago. Now I am a little ridiculous about it. More on that to come throughout the class...
Go Phils!
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