When people are into online collaborations, discussions where they have to share huge files online , for example .swf,.pptx, mpg. Blackboard is a great LMS tool to share files but it fails sometimes when uploading huge files. I felt a better approach to this would be to upload the file to Rapidshare.
Method here is quiet simple type in rapidshare.com in the web address and enter that will open the Rapidshare website. Browse and upload the file, once the file gets uploaded it generates the upload link,
Enter the Name of the sender and the first recipient you can add up to 2 recipients add a short text message as to what file you are sending click send and you are done. You can send the generated link to as many users you wish to. Also you can encrypt your file if you have security concerns.
Rapidshare has free and premium zone, with pretty affordable rates. What I like more about rapidshare is reliability. One thing to note here this site may not open at your work place as companies or businesses are afraid about their employees to trade out their company secrets.
This was quiet a handy application to use during my Advanced ID project
Sites similar to rapidshare
Vijay, I'm so glad you posted this- I took notes in Advanced ID when you shared some resources in text chat, but these links are so much easier to open and add to my delicious site.
Plus, file sharing becomes important in eLearning. When one considers that our Adv ID class was eLearning, and the files we had to pass back and forth, one realizes that sometimes, more resources are needed than just Blackboard.
I can't say its the best resource I've ever seen, I don't even like the loops and hoops you have to go though to download a file, but its a good site and a good post.
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