I don't know about you folks but I have enough trouble trying to keep myself sane in reality let alone in a cyber-relationship too. This article and its related links go to show how wrong things can go either in real-life or with a fantasy relationship. This article and the links with it just blew my mind. Now I see why I haven't visited this Second Life site. I guess you can take anything too far. I want to know where these people find the time to spend on developing these online relationships when real life is so time-consuming. They must not do anything with their free-time other than this Second Life site - affairs, divorces, rehab, killings... these are all a bit much for me to understand. Read this article and the associated links and see what you think.
Second Life Affair ends in Divorce

And as I have always said, "Second Life freaks me out!" Jenny
Ha ha, I love your post. Wait until you see the videos I'm showing for my presentation on the dangers of virtual worlds on Thursday. I totally agree with you...where do they find the time?!
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