Thursday, November 6, 2008

Out of the Woods into Technology

As a newcomer to social networking I have found last weeks presentations extremely helpful. Three years ago I met a lovely woman who asked me to contact her via e-mail, at that time I had let my e-mail account go, and was doing my best to live without the use of technology. I had no telephone, no television, and no computer. I was practicing a specific type of hatha yoga around 5 hours a day and was working as a associate manager of a vitamin and herbal medicine department. I had little time for technology and didn't miss it. But owe how things change, the day i met my now fiance, i opened up a hotmail account and soon after purchased a cell phone. I am now in my final semester in a technology heavy instructional design program and have come full circle (everything but a television:-) and feel more balanced as a result. Social networking sites were once a pet peeve of mine, tools for tennie bopper wanna be rocks stars but now I am seeing they can be amazing tools for keeping in contact with long lost classmates, co-workers, and even possibly new friends. Although i still find the overwhelming number of quizzes and mindless things I am sent, I no longer feel a disdain towards what I now feel is a helpful tool and a powerful medium for connecting our world. Thank you


jenna said...

you're engaged, congratulations!

I agree with everything you've said here. Often, I need to just unplug, and go enjoy the analog world. While I have yet to ditch the TV (it's my husband's, and I don't think he'd appreciate it lol), I barely watch it.
When I'm ready to plug in, as long as I'm finding the right balance, all the social stuff IS really helpful- millions of heads are better than one, I find.

Jenna said...

oops- that was jenna- using the wrong blog and sign in :)