Friday, November 21, 2008


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Sloodle is an open source project that brings together Moodle (an open source course management system) together with Second Life (3D Virtual World) to provide interactive game-technology and various tools for supporting learning in the virtual worlds.

Moodle and Second Life as illustrated by the following image:

To learn more about Sloodle, YouTube has many videos explaining how they work together.

Here is video that will walk you through Sloodle. There are many, many videos posted.

There is also a Sloodle wiki that will include many resources for Sloodle.

If you are interested in learning more about Sloodle, there are introductory classes that run in Second Life every Wednesday at 5:00pm EST in the SLOODLE classroom.


1 comment:

Michael D. Nichols said...

This is an interesting concept. Taking a usually non-user friendly technology and adding some visual appeal. It seems Sloode has a lot of potential. Great Post!